Make a complaint

We aim to provide excellent housing services for our residents. Nevertheless, there will be times when our service falls below expected standards. When it does, we want to make it easy for residents to let us know, and we want to act swiftly to put it right, resolving complaints at the earliest possible opportunity. Our policy explains how we aim to do that.

We recognise the value of complaints as an important feedback mechanism that provides opportunities for us to improve the quality of our services. We therefore aim to make it easy for you to raise a complaint with us.

We accept complaints in all formats and they can be made in a number of ways, including:

Via our website: Complaints Form | Leathermarket JMB

By email to:

By telephone: 0207 450 8000

By writing to us at: Complaints, Leathermarket JMB, 26 Leathermarket St, London, SE1 3HN

In person, at our office on Leathermarket St.

For more information about how we deal with complaints, click here (Complaints Policy)


You can contact the Ombudsman at any stage during the complaints process and they may be able to offer you assistance and support during the complaints process.
You can also contact them if you have exhausted our complaints procedure and are still unhappy and ask for them to look at your complaint again or investigate.

You can contact them by:

Writing to them at: Housing Ombudsman Service, PO Box 1484, Unit D, Preston, PR2 0ET

Telephone: 0300 111 3000


For more information, visit: