Head of Corporate Services

Leathermarket JMB is looking for experienced and motivated Head of Corporate Services.

You will be based in our friendly and welcoming office in the heart of the community that we serve, just a few minutes’ walk from London Bridge Station. As a member of the Senior Management Team, you will work in partnership with the Non-executive Board, taking a wider collective responsibility for the finances and strategic direction of the JMB. You will lead on compliance and business performance matters and will oversee our finances and direct our IT, Business Transformation, HR and Payroll processes.

You will also lead from a financial perspective on the introduction of new IT systems.

For the full role description, please visit the link below.

To be considered for this role you must include a personal statement or a cover letter that outlines how you meet the criteria detailed in the Person Specification.

Closing dates for applications: midnight, Sunday 16th February 2025.

Head of Corporate Services