Invitation to a Members Engagement Meeting and a General Meeting
Dear JMB member,
Member Engagement Meeting & General Meeting
I am writing to invite you to invite you to two meetings, a Members Engagement Meeting and a General Meeting. We are responding to feedback from the Annual General and General meetings we held last year in October and November 2022. Firstly, that people on the top table did most of the talking and members did not get enough of a chance to talk about the running of the company. Secondly, that we asked members to vote on constitutional changes, without everyone fully understanding what they were being asked to vote on.
We are therefore holding two meetings:
Members Engagement Meeting: Wednesday 28th June at 2pm: Bermondsey Village Hall, Kirby Grove, SE1 3TD. (In Leathermarket Gardens)
JMB General Meeting: Wednesday 12th July at 7pm Roundhouse Meeting Hall, 2 Cardinal Bourne Street, London, SE1 4EJ.
We are holding two meetings in different locations and at different times to give as many members the chance to participate as possible. You can attend both meetings if you want.
At both meetings we are giving members the chance to raise issues with directors and managers.
The JMB is a resident managed organisation and effective engagement with our residents is critical to our continued success. The Government now recognises that our model for managing housing is the right one. The Regulation of Social Housing Bill says that council tenants should be able to influence the decision-making and priorities of their housing provider. The Building Safety Act tells us that building managers should engage in effective dialogue with residents about building safety issues.
We would welcome your ideas, comments and questions. If you email your comments and questions to us in advance, we will be able to research and give you a fuller answer. We will however take questions on the day and answer them as best we can. In addition, if you are not able to attend either meeting you can email your question and we will provide an answer on the record at the meeting.
If you have an individual issue, there will be plenty of staff members for to talk to outside of the formal meeting.
An explanation of the proposed changes and the new constitution is included in your pack. We will explain and debate the constitutional changes at the first meeting, but not take a formal vote.
The formal vote will be taken at the second meeting only. Because a formal vote is proposed I have to issue the formal notice attached and offer those not able to attend the second meeting the chance to exercise a proxy vote i.e. pass your vote to the meeting chair or another member attending the meeting
Only signed up members of the JMB can participate in these meetings. Any adult who is a resident within the JMB can be a member.
Andy Bates
JMB Company Secretary