Leathermarket JMB AGM @ 6.30pm on Wednesday 3rd November 2021

Leathermarket JMB AGM: 6.30pm Wednesday 3rd November 2021. 

The meeting is on Zoom. Code 895 9554 3778 & password JMB

The meeting is open to all JMB residents over the age of 18. The JMB defines a residents as someone who lives full time in a JMB property. The person can be a secure tenant or family member, resident leaseholder or family member or the private tenant of a private landlord. You will need to be a signed up member. If you want to become a member or rsvp please contact agm2021@leathermarketjmb.org.uk



  1. Announcement of the continuation ballot results
  2. Chair’s report
  3. Manager’s JMB Performance report
  4. Ratification of JMB directors, nominated by their T&RA
  1. Audited accounts 2020/21
  2. Ratification of auditors
  3. Members motion to continue the AGM
  4. Minutes of the last meeting
  5. Matters Arising
  6. AOB

Please remember to vote in the JMB continuation ballot. If you have not received a ballot form by Monday 4th October please contact Civica election Services 020-8889 9203 or support@cesvotes.com