Kipling TRA AGM and Walkaround – 11th August

Join us on Tuesday, 11th August 2020:

Estate Greening Consultation at 5.30PM

General Meeting (open meeting for Kipling estate residents) at 7.00PM

Estate Greening Consultation:

All Kipling residents are invited to meet us next to Simla House at 5.30PM for an estate walkaround and resident consultation on the possibilities for developing and improving greenspaces around the estate. There are a number of possibilities for improving the existing landscaping and developing new green areas around the estate, and we want to incorporate resident ideas and feedback in these plans from the outset. Come out and discuss ideas for greening the Kipling Estate – all are welcome.

Annual General Meeting:

All Kipling residents are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting for the Kipling TRA, to be held at 7.00PM on the grass area between the tower blocks (Simla House and Burwash House). Elections will be held for two directors from the Kipling TRA, followed by a short discussion of estate business. The agenda will include an update on the heating renewal for the low-rise blocks, entry phone renewal for Simla and Burwash houses and the resurfacing of the Burwash estate road.

These events are being held on the grass area between Simla and Burwash with appropriate social distancing measures in place.

If you have questions or concerns, or if you would like to participate but are unable to do so in person at this time, please contact Rosemary Aware e-mail:  or Tel: 0207 450 8017